Team KulturAXE, Austria

Caroline Charlotte Kaiser
Culture Pro Manager
Cultural manager, curator, lecturer, communication expert, artist. Webdesign, graphic design and social media strategies. Creative communication concepts, event management and direction of Sisonke Design. Project management, strategic and operational, in the fields of art and culture. Direction of KulturAXE, transnational communication & art action, Vienna.

Margarete Jahrmann
Trainer researcher / Director IO1
Artist, curator and researcher and since 2003 a leading figure in the emerging scene of game arts. Professor for Game Design at the University of Arts Zurich and lecturer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Major media arts awards as PrixArsElectronica distinction in interactive arts. Founder of the Ludic Society, an arts research association on the topic of play and pataphysics, with a record of urban game interventions and international festival appearances.

Bernd Schaudinnus
Trainer researcher IO2
Artist, trainer, activist, shaman
Born 1949 in Thüringen / D. 1973-76 Studies of technical glass processing and wood sculpture; 1979 Academy of Fine Arts, Berlin; 1981 Socio-cultural animation, Centre for Experimental Theatre, Vienna; Shamanic Initiation by Hyemeyohsts Storm; 1985 training in maieutics by Prof. Arnold Keyserling, Vienna; 1994 Training in Art Therapy ÖAGG (Austrian Research-Group for Group Therapy and Group Dynamics); 1999-2014 Action Coordinator Greenpeace. Visual Artist.

Elmar Kickinger
CP Quality manager
Marketing consultant, lecturer and trainer. Studies of Economics and Philosophy. Graduated from the University of Economics and journalism at the University Vienna. Certified trainer in economics. Management consultant and sponsoring agent. Lecturer at adult education institutions. Workshops in business planning and public relations. Author of marketing and communication abstracts.

Mascha Fekete
Technician / Assistant
CEO of Mascha Foto n Design. Media expert in market communication and advertising, media design and media technology. Professional photographer, expert in image retouching and video editing. Graphic programs – course development and instruction. Numerous tutorials in photography, photoshop, editing and design.

Éva Eszter Bodnár
Trainer researcher IO2
Born 1952 in Budapest, Hungary. 1973-76 Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest; 1976-81 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Masterclass Hollegha; 1980 Academy Award Vienna: the Golden Füger Medal; 1978 Studytrip to London, New York; 1982 Art Fair Köln, Germany; 1982-83 Art Fair, Basel, Switzerland; Since 2002 Guest professor for live painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.

Andrea Kickinger
CP Trainer researcher IO2
CEO of A-KI, languages and communication, coach and trainer. Studies at the University of Vienna (education, educational psychology, didactics, German, French, Russian). Teacher for German, French and Russian. Trainer of soft skills such as coaching, mediation, body language, communication, teambuilding, diversity, intercultural competencies, conflict management.

Karin Wolf
Methodologist IO2
The Institut für Kulturkonzepte, headed by Karin Wolf, is an independent institution which advertises its programme of continuing education throughout Europe. As an active member of ENCATC – European Network of Cultural Administration Centres and Culture Action Europe, Kulturkonzepte is committed to providing cultural and intercultural management in the international field.
KulturAXE, Vienna / Austria
transnational communcation & art action
was founded 1995 in Vienna following mutual art projects with Slovakia, which were initiated right after the political change 1989. KulturAXE has realized a multitude of transnational cooperation projects in the fields of fine arts, design, new media, performing arts and architecture. The promotion of a cultural exchange in Central and Eastern European countries formed the activities since the beginning. The aim is to foster intercultural communication, exchange and collaboration in mutual inspiration and equal reciprocity. Focusing on sustainability, poverty alleviation and global justice. For a culture of tolerance, leading to understanding, respect and recognition of the diversity and equality of cultural identities, as the foundation for a joint future. KulturAXE developed and organized international art symposia, workshops, conferences and exhibition projects at locations in Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and South Africa.
KulturAXE has longstanding experience in adult training activities. The curricula encompassed fine arts, new media, design, performing arts and architecture in an interdisciplinary approach allowing for synergies with technology and other fields of knowledge. KulturAXE has initiated and organized international art symposia on a regular basis from 1991 to 2006 in Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. Thereby collaborating with international funds, such as the International Visegrad Fund and national public funds.